First, let's take a breath and not panic... As a part of the exceedingly high level of service I strive to provide, I have a few items to mention that may help you right away with your issue.
We'll get to the bottom of the issue no matter what. Please take a minute to read these and see if they pertain to your situation:
1) Email not working.
Very first thing to check is your email box storage space. It's very common to have issues sending or receiving emails if your email box is packed full. Your email space has the ability to store literally thousands of emails, but if your space is not kept organized or maintained it could get too full and then not only bounce incoming emails back to the sender, but can also deny you the ability to send email as well.
A very easy way to check this is to go to your webmail system. It is located at (or .ca). Bring up your webmail in your web browser using this address, of course substituting in your own domain. Use your whole email address as the username and enter in your current password. (Don't try too many times if you don't have the current password! See below..) Once you have logged into the webmail, at the bottom of your webmail page you will see a little percentage level. This indicates your email box space. If it is 100% then you will need to clean out some space in order to send or receive emails.
Options are completely deleting old sent, spam, junk, trashbin and inbox emails... Or moving needed emails to a local folder on your computer through your email program on your PC.
If you find that you have cleaned out as much as you can and are still struggling for space, we can add more space to your inbox. If you need more space you can just
contact me and we can discuss your options.
So what if you can't even see the webmail site? As a part of the anti-hacking security features we incorporate on the server, the email service can detect brute force password hacking attempts. If a lot of failed login attempts happen within a set amount of time, the IP address of those attempts is blocked. Therefore, if YOU may have typed in the wrong password too many times, you may have tripped this security and had your own IP blocked from the server. This can also happen if you may have attempted setting up your email account on a phone, couldn't figure it out, and then just left it without removing the account/server info on your phone. The phone will still try to log in with that bad info until you remove that info from the phone, or fix the bad login information.
Check to see if your IP has been blocked... Go to
This page (click here), remove the countries that are already in there by clicking the little X next to them,
and then select Canada. Then enter your website address. If your site comes up in this page, but you can't access your site yourself directly on your browser, then your IP is more than likely blocked.
If you believe your IP address may be blocked after reading this please click the link at the bottom of this page to submit your trouble ticket.
2) Your website is not coming up, or appears to be down.
Like any web server, there are rare times when it may be necessary to perform a maintenance or reboot in order for any updates or upgrades to be enabled. Normally these small rare outages take place in the middle of the night, but in even more rare instances (like perhaps a very high priority security patch), it is not out of the realm of possibility for a short reboot to happen during the day. We know intimately that when your website appears to be down for more than a minute, it seems like an eternity, and we understand this completely. A good amount of things have to happen to reboot a server like ours for it to come back online ready to serve your website. We strive to maintain our 99.9% uptime here at Vernon Websites.
In addition to this, the server is also equipped with full denial of service attack defence and other security features. Also, if an extremely rare critical error happens to crash the server, it is equipped and set to automatically reboot and start again. All of these automatic features boost your total uptime and reliability.
If you notice your website is not coming up right away, DOUBLE CHECK to see if your website is actually in fact down (and not just blocked to you)
by clicking on THIS LINK and submitting your website URL there to see if it is visible.
Be sure to remove the countries shown and then select CANADA as the server blocks some other countries.
If your website DOES come up in this page, it means your website is NOT down, and more than likely your IP was blocked as mentioned in the email section above. In that case please submit a trouble ticket at the bottom of this page for a blocked IP problem.
If your website is NOT showing in the above page, please give it at least 5 minutes to come back online. It could just be rebooting. If your site does not appear to come back for you (and on that page above) within those five minutes please click the link at the bottom of this page to submit your trouble ticket for a possible outage report.
It should also be mentioned that we do have automatic monitoring services and that often we may already know if there is an issue with the server. (Still please submit your ticket.) Quite often we are already working on resolving the issue, or the server itself is fixing the issues on it's own.... Downtime issues are of the absolute highest priority here and will be dealt with right away.
3) Any other issues.
If your answer was not covered in the above information, please click the link below to submit your trouble ticket. We will get back to you as soon as possible.
Click here to submit your trouble report.