About Us:
I have been building websites on the Internet since the early 90’s. This was just as “graphical” web browsers were coming to the public. Hardly anyone was even online yet, but I started early and created some websites mainly for myself and the business I was doing at the time. Later, some of these websites were published in major American newspapers, and one website was even featured in Wired Magazine. Things have come a LONG way since then, and I now use my knowledge of the Internet and computers to help my clients get their own home on the web.
Vernon Websites was nominated for a Sterling Service award by the Vernon Chamber Of Commerce, and we also have collected some really great accolades from the businesses we have helped.
Check out our Testimonials page to see them!
You don’t need to know ANYTHING about getting a website. Don’t worry one bit. No stress! All you have to do is call or email and we can get your website started and online so quickly and easily you won’t believe it; and your budget will be intact!